Thursday, 18 February 2016

Treaty of Waitangi

Description: in week 2 and 3 we have been doing a video about Waitangi Day and the treaty. We have made a video about Waitangi. The treaty is a special legal document that important people representing the Queen of the England and the Maori chefs singed. The pitcher down below is about how much we new about Waitangi Day and the won I circled was multi.

Big idea: we were learning about Waitangi Day and the treaty we made a movie in a group about Waitangi. It was really fun and we all got a turn at being in the video.

FeedBack/feedford: good job at saying that u done it in a group , and that u said that u in joyed it 
Next time try to make it more interesting. Naomi 

Evaluation:I think I need to work on going a bit faster and not mucking around and I also think I did a good job.

1 comment:

  1. When I sat in and listened to you guys discussing your ideas, you were making many connections to our treaty. Maybe you needed to think about the number of people in your group because there might have been too many ideas flying around without acting on them.

    I look forward to seeing the finished video.

