Term One Value
Kotahitanga (Unity/Togetherness)
Values are deeply held beliefs about what is important or desirable. They are expressed through the ways in which we think and act. In fact everything we do reflects our values!
WALT: Show kotahitanga with our little buddies from Busy Bees
Task: Create a poster showing kotahitanga
Success Criteria:
- Include a clear Image
- Include our name and our buddies name
- Show and explain kotahitanga (working together)
- Our poster makes sense
How am I going showing?
I think
My buddy thinks
we play with her when she has nobody to play with
I think she does her friendship very well
we share with our buddy when she wants to play with us with the skipping rope
She shares very well to her friends and budy.
when we have to get a job done we make sh
She shares her ideas very well in a team.
Looking out for each other
I help people when they are
She looks out for each other any where
What of the above attributes above do you feel is
strongest for you?
I think i am best at hand writing
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What of the following attributes do you feel you need
to improve on?
i think i need to improve on my captel letters
and fill stops
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How do I feel about kotahitanga?
i feel like i do it all the time
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