Wednesday, 23 November 2016


Description: on Wednesday we did athletics and I liked the high jump and the hurdles I was not very good at it but it was still fun my mum came to watch we also got free sausage sizzles we got very tired after we did our running.

  • Athletics Reflection:

    • What was the most enjoyable part of athletics for you? Why?the high jump because I think I am a bit good at it.

    • What are you really proud of? Why? I am proud giving it a go even If I did not come 1st 2nd or 3rd

    • What was the most challenging part? Why? It was the running because I am not fast at it and I lose my breath a bit.

    • Where to now? What are your goals for next time? Why do you want to focus on this?my goal is to practice my throwing for valtex infant to focus on this because I want to get better at it.

Sunday, 20 November 2016


Description in maths we learnt a new maths game with cards it is a % game and we are not that good at it I did not enjoy playing it but every one likes different things i still gave it a go.

Feedback I think you done well at speaking loud and clear
Feedforward there is nothing yfounded to do

Evaluation: i think i could of done better than I did but at Less I gave it a go 

Monday, 14 November 2016

Te reo

Description: in e Te REO we have been making movies for market day and we wanted to speak in Maori so we looked up on the computer things in Maori and we learnt how to say Hello how are you what are you selling and Christmas decorations here is my video.

Evaluation: I think I did well at pronouncing the words and I need to work on getting it done in time.

feedback: I think that you done well at saying the words and speaking clearly
Feedforward:maybe next time speak a bit louder and stay in the same voice level. Naomi

writing time

Description: in writing we could write about any thing and Naomi and I choose to do a story about some tuning that is not real and I have chosen to do a magic pen and she choose a lucky pencil. we made a poster a story and a movie about it. Here they are.
Evaluation: I think I did well at my story but I need to be more ready.

feedback:I think you done well at your story you explained heaps of things.
Feedforward: next time maybe add some detail. Naomi

Book buddies

Description: We have been doing book buddies and I am with Naomi we liked to read the book series Tom Gates we made a book mark about it and we are going to start to make a board game I really enjoy book buddies.

Evaluation: I think I need to work on putting my evidence on but I think I did well at doing lots of reading.

Feedback:I think you done well at putting on you evidence of learning.
Feedforward:maybe next time you can write what happen in each book . Naomi

Sunday, 13 November 2016

market day

Description: we have been doing prep which is market day for a couple of weeks and kiana,Naomi and I have been making Christmas decorations and we sold out in the first half an hour we really enjoyed market day because you learn how to cont money and to collaborate with other people and I love making stuff so it was especially fun for me. here is the slide we made about market day.

click here to go to my slide

evaluation:I think I need to be a bit more ready next time and let the other people in my group do more things

feedback:I think you did well at your maths on your budget and when you served people and gave them change 
Feedforward: there's nothing you need to work on. Naomi