I munch on hay and slurp on water. I gallop around and Humans ride me it is very exhausting. At least that is what people think… Well they are completely wrong. I do so much more so here is my story. I see lots of humans staring at me oh and my name is Minnie.
All these people start to pat me and then “click” I here my saddle and someone jumps up on me then off we go. We galloped around the black tyres and get a drink I am extremely thirsty so I have 5 slurps of water “ Ahhh.”
When I am going back to the yard I accidently start to pee… “Piss”Ops wasn't me. After that I have a bundle of hay now I can rest... but oh I fell somebody perch on my back here it goes all over again.
When another human comes over to me the human is big she is about to sit on me… What if I fall over. Ahhh I'm going to fall… No not really I'm just joking ok let's go. And that is my story.