Description: In week 7, we had an overnight stay at the local Marae in Woodville. We were immersed in Maori culture and participated in a range of activities. We set two goals to focus on during our stay.
Big Idea:
1. Did you achieve your goals? How do you know?yes I did and I practised and practised.
2. What are you most proud of from the marae stay and why?That I gave everything a go and tried my best.
3. What challenged you the most and why?the knuckle bones because the hurt my fingers.
We made book marks showing pictures about what is special. My book mark is really cool I think and it is really special to me and the first picture is about when we went in the bus and saw the Manawatu river. The second one is when we stayed at the Marae. The last one is when we went on the bush walk.